Titan Tournaments

Weather Updates


When we have a dicey forecast and/or rain throughout the week leading up to a tournament or during a tournament, we will proceed as follows:

Every reasonable effort to get the tournament in will be made.

We will try not to cancel a tournament due to a lousy forecast, however we will also try to be considerate of everyone’s time and travel expenses if the forecast is worsening as the tournament draws near.

We will cancel a tournament when the fields we are renting are unsafe and cannot be repaired in time for tournament play, or cannot be repaired in a timely manner to continue tournament play.

Once tournament play has begun, we will provide weather updates as necessary. The phone number of your on site director will be posted with your game times. Please do not hesitate to contact your on site director prior to heading to the ball park.

Thanks for choosing Titan!

We look forward to seeing you soon!